BRAINCITIES — La Région Occitanie — Press-Release

2 min readJan 7, 2021

Paris, France, 6th January 2021 — We are honored to announce that Braincities lab SAS, located 6 place de la République 66270 Le Soler, represented by Mr. Kazé Alphonse ONGUENE, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer has been granted a 100 000€ public funding referenced under the number 19022058 and awarded by Deliberation of the Regional Council of Occitanie N° CP/2020-FEVR/09.01 of February 07, 2020, by the Region Occitanie, having its headquarters at 22 Bd du Maréchal Juin, 31406 Toulouse Cedex 9, represented by its current President.

“Braincities Lab SAS has been granted a 100 000€ referenced under the number 19022058 awarded by Deliberation of the Regional Council of Occitanie N° CP/2020-FEVR/09.01 by the Region Occitane.”

It is a prestigious honor for us to receive the funding from the Occitanie Region. This investment will enable Braincities Lab to further capitalize on its position as a leader in the Artificial Intelligence industry in France, the Netherlands, Dubai, and internationally, where smart marketers are striving to maintain control of the customer journey and deepen their customer relationships.

History of set up of the company in Occitanie Region:

In 2019, anticipating the smart city of tomorrow, founder Kazé A. ONGUENE took the challenge of launching a Robotics Division in the commune of Le Soler, in charge of creating a new generation of intelligent robots to serve the population. This project includes the future 10,000 m2 digital campus managed by the cross-border Pôle Action Média cluster.

In terms of recruitment, the Tech Division is already operational, with a veritable integrated fab lab headed by the Chief Engineer, Joris Navarro, who is assisted by Clara Bigeard, Tech Intern from Jean Lurçat, in Perpignan and others, who will soon be joined by a team of local talent. The company is already fully involved in the regional dynamic.

About the Company:

BRAINCITIES LAB was founded in 2013 with the purpose to develop a human-supportive Artificial Intelligence (AI) with judging and empathy capabilities to help individual s and businesses adapt to an ever-changing environment by making information available on the internet structured and useable for the decision-making process. We do AI ON DEMAND.



